Leaving the orphanage

11 January 2012

I don't think there are more beautiful words in the English than "Guess who left the orphanage for good today?"

Just to be clear, we are not adopting, though we feel the word may apply to us one day. While our family is currently complete, we are open and curious and in wonder about a future that might include another child whom we can give a home to (once we have a permanent home ourselves, that is).

All that to say is, today I read a tweet for a family who's story I've followed for a long time. Their's is unique, and I feel honoured to stand on the sidelines, anonymous, offering up a prayer here or there. And the tweet today? A final goodbye to an orphanage in Ukraine. A new identity. A mother and a father. A home waiting with a brother and a sister, and friends, and a church. A hope and a future.

Wow. Breathtaking words, leaving the orphanage for good. He is a giver of life.


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