Declarations of a 5-year-old

02 August 2008

I originally started writing this post on the history of J's spiritual growth.  Then I remembered a crucial point: he is 5!  I don't have to dramatize the effects of this story to receive a higher grade in Personal Evangelism (Moody reference).  So I will lay the facts bare:

Saturday evening my boy asked Jesus to live in his heart.

He also asked Jesus to throw his sins away.

He also asked Jesus how big the universe is.

Three big questions for one little guy.  Now I know he's only 5, and who knows what spiritual decisions actually "take" at such a young age, but I have come to the understanding that that's God's problem.  He knows what a little boy is capable of understanding, and if a little boy wants Jesus to save him from his sins and wants to live in heaven with Jesus, then God will say, "Yes".

The best thing about this episode in our family life is this: Jackson heard God speak to him.  First, regarding the universe, he gasped and said, "God answered me! He said it's WIDE OPEN!" Second, regarding his sins.  "He answered me again! He said YES! I heard Him!"

Thinking back on it now, I have to ask myself: when was the last time I heard God's voice so clearly, and believed and obeyed Him instantly?  Not only that, but when was the last time I asked God a question, and waited for the answer?   My boy, who has been a "Christian" for three days now, taught me an invaluable lesson.  Not only does God hear us when we pray, but He will answer us.  Maybe not as quick as he answered Jackson... but there is an answer.  

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