A good cry with God

31 March 2009

Sunday night as we were leaving church, we stepped outside to the smell of the spring rain. More specifically, the smell of a Kansas spring rain. And I cried.

Which leads me to my short little list for the day. Every so often (not too often as not to get permanently drenched in one's own tears) I like to have a little cry with God. I have a soundtrack - not all to be played at once, mind you, probably best to start one at a time and used sparingly - that helps me give the big and little things up to Him. Listen at your own discretion.

Sufjan Stevens : Holy, Holy, Holy
Nichole Nordeman : Every Season
U2 : Yahweh
Sara Groves : Less Like Scars, When it was Over, Maybe There's a Loving God (take your pick, really)
Waterdeep : He Will Come
Jars of Clay : Water Under the Bridge
Rich Mullins : My Deliverer
Jennifer Knapp : Martyrs and Thieves
The end.

I Heart Socialism

20 March 2009

Nothing will kill your affection for a country faster than dealing with it's health care system. On the plus side, living in a country with nationalized health care means that while it's all a bit dodgy, it's still 100% free. 

So, if you haven't guessed, today - at nearly 18 weeks pregnant - I finally had my first prenatal appointment in the local hospital.  After 2 1/2 hours, 2 midwifes, one booking lady, a blood-taker, and a sonographer (no doctor in sight), I'm feeling slightly more anxious about this whole thing.

However, I am looking forward to that day 23 weeks from now when I finally meet my doctor (or consultant) face-to-face and share the birthing experience with 6 other labouring women. Fun.

One Moment in Time (cue Whitney Houston)

05 March 2009

So I've been super busy lately, so busy that I've not had much time to write, rest, reflect or clean. Well, I try not to find the time to clean, but that's neither here nor there.

Anyway, after missing my last book club meeting due to some wicked morning sickness, and having only read 50 pages of the current book club read (Netherland, by Joseph O'Neill), I somewhat hesitatingly drove to our local library for our monthly meeting. Now when I say local, I mean that technically it's about 8 km away, driving down 3 narrow country roads, a not-as-narrow two-lane highway (dual carriageway), to a nearby village with construction (road works) up and down it's narrow main street. I have been known to take out a side-view mirror or two. So anyway, as I drove to book club last night at dusk, I was suddenly struck with an obvious though completely awe-inspiring thought:

I live in Ireland!

I live here. In Ireland. By the sea. In the country. With people I'm growing to love. Raising my kids here.

We have a life in Ireland. Wow.