Like a kick in the...

22 May 2009


Welcome to week 27 everybody! Only one more week and we're in the homestretch of the 3rd trimester. This child is kickin' me all over the place... it's exhausting. Wakes me up in the night, keeps me up in the night, and don't even get me started on the heartburn. I've been feeling like I need to blog for ages now, but really all that's on my mind is how uncomfortable and knackered (tired, exhausted, wrecked) I am. Now, I totally understand childbearing for the miracle it is (in all it's weird and icky glory), but, well, I think this is it for me. Not sure my body (or my mind) can handle another one.

In lighter news of the week, husband has become my hero by assisting in the replacement of our car's clutch. Son has become my inspiration as he handles friendship trials with never-ending laughter and pleasantness (I, on the other hand, am a pansy when it comes to watching him "go it alone" most days). Daughter has become my consternation as she ransacks the house on an hourly basis, running from one end to the other tearing things up, jumping on me, screaming at ear-splitting decibels, and generally leaving me in a state of shock and awe at her downright craziness. In fact, her new question to me recently is: "Am I so crazy?" together with a shrieking, "Are you KIDDING me?!?!" (The former question I'm sure is from me, while the latter one is a carbon copy of her brother). 

Things in our house continue to be as busy and unpredictable as ever. And yet, I still go to bed each night with a smile on my face and extreme gratitude in my heart.

Year 1 and transition observations

05 May 2009

Having recently returned from a holiday with family in the States, we now find ourselves celebrating a milestone: us and Ireland one-year-old together. Part of me feels like this is more of a birthday than an anniversary, since last May 5th was the start of a brand new life for us. But either way you slice it, celebrations are in order.

We actually flew back to Ireland just days short of the anniversary of us moving to Ireland, however, the feelings that accompanied this most recent transition were so different. Last year when we left home, my heart nearly literally felt like it was breaking. That pain left me raw for weeks and months, but like some other types of grief, the shock and awe of it eventually began to fade, paving the way for new normalcy. When we flew out of Chicago this past Friday, that pain was nowhere to be found. Sure, we were definitely sad to say goodbye to our parents again and wished, of course, that our time together was longer. But upon boarding that plane, we knew we were going home. It was weird, really weird. But weird things can be good, too.

Another odd thing about our short trip back to the US: we, as people, felt different. It was hard to find comfort in the same old things, and sometimes, on occasion, even hard to find comfort in the same people from our old life. Not that we weren't overjoyed at seeing those same things and people again. Quite, the contrary, we had some very sweet (albeit short) reunions. Target welcomed me with open doors, while my mentor welcomed me with open arms. It was wonderful spending some times with our parents and siblings and the few friends we got to see. However, the food didn't taste as good as I remembered it. Shopping at Target confused me more than pleased me.  And there were some quiet patches, lapses in the conversation I didn't know how to fill. Maybe it was culture shock, or exhaustion, or the mental recognition that time was too short to share anything of real depth. Again, it was weird, really weird. But weird things can be sad, too.

So now we begin year 2. I still feel like I'm in a pregnancy funk, but the funk isn't as deep as it was before our little vacay. Maybe all I needed was just a little perspective. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. Unless the other side is Ireland. Then it is always greener. Literally. However, if it's the upper-midwest in the middle of April, then it's always a bit browner.

Zoo April 2009 066
Good times with cousins.